Frequently Asked Questions

Once the gifted psychic Burton has my request, what does he do?
Burton reads your request and concentrates on it.  Then he casts a spell on planting the seeds in the subconscious mind of the person to whom the request is directed.
How long does it take before I see results?
Once the seeds are planted, they may have an immediate effect or it may take days or longer. It’s not possible to give an exact time frame.
How will I know if or when Burton’s spell casting takes effect?
Psychic phenomenon is more art than science; therefore, it is not easy to discern its effects. And that is why Burton insists on a one-year satisfaction guarantee. If you don’t see the results you are looking for, Burton will refund your money.
Is Burton successful every time he casts a spell?
Although the vast number of people who ask Burton to cast a spell in their behalf are repeat customers and evidently satisfied with his work, Burton is not successful every time. And you should be very skeptical of any psychic who says he is successful every time. Again, this is why Burton insists on an unconditional one-year guarantee.
How long has Burton been helping people?
Burton has been helping people worldwide since 1970.
Is Burton affiliated with California Astrology Association?
Yes, Burton founded the California Astrology Association (CAA) in 1970. CAA offers spells from several well-known spell casters. Burton created this site to offer his favorite spells and amulets to his followers, including the mystical Wanga Dolls previously only available from CAA.