Internationally renowned psychic Burton has been helping people worldwide since 1970 and is the founder of the California Astrology Association (CAA).

Love and Relationship Spells

Would You Like Burton to Implant Your Message in the Subconscious Mind of the Person You Select with one of his potent relationship or love spells? *

Do you seek a new relationship or want to improve an existing relationship? Or perhaps you desperately want to retrieve a lost love?

Take a look at the wide variety of love and relationship spells available to you and pick out the one(s) closest to your needs.

Burton's Lust for Me Spell

Now is the time to act upon your dreams by opening the gates of desire in the person of your choice. You could be in their arms sooner than you think, engulfed in flaming desire and uncontrolled passion. Learn more!

Burton's Penetrate Your Lover's Subconscious Spell

What would you give if you could “get inside” your loved one’s head and convince them that you and only you are their one true love? Learn more!

Burton's Win Back Your Lover Spell

Burton's foremost goal is to bring the two of you together for not just a moment in time, but for an exquisitely happy, lasting relationship. Learn more!

Burton's Reconcile Now! Spell

Burton has designed this potent spell to penetrate the heart and soul of your lover’s subconscious, awakening them to the love and tender loving care that awaits them once they return to your loving arms. Learn more!

Burton's Mega Get Your Lover Back Spell

It is said that Burton's gift is to "meld" within your very soul, to experience for himself your heartache, your sadness, your dreams, your aspirations. Only then is he able to direct his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. Learn more!

Burton's Naked Desire Spell

If your wish is to strip your loved one’s resistance, to shed their inhibitions, and to immensely enjoy your intimate moments, Burton’s Naked Desire spell could be a decisive turning point in your relationship. Learn more!

The True Love Spell by Andreika & Burton

If you want to be with that one person who is madly and passionately in love with you, the True Love spell is designed to do just that. Learn more!

Burton's Aphrodisiac Spell

Want to entice a particular person to your charms? Learn more!

Burton's Relationship Saver Spell

This potent spell will awaken your loved one to the friendship, love and happiness you once shared. Learn more!

Burton's Change of Heart Spell

Burton’s Change of Heart spell could bring you the harmony, love and happiness you so deserve. Learn more!

Burton's Original Love-Luck-Money Spell

If you want it all: A love life that is the envy of all who know you, and a future bursting with good luck and good fortune, this is the spell for you. Learn more!

Burton's Trojan Horse Spell

This potent spell is designed to invade your lover’s subconscious with the intent to capture their heart. Learn more!

Burton's Turnaround Spell

Perhaps it’s time to plant the seeds of reconciliation within the subconscious of the person whom you so dearly love. Learn more!

Burton's Hot Number Spell

Stop being envious of others that seem to have the power to attract the opposite sex. Learn more!

Burton's Fall in Love with Me Again Spell

If you are frustrated, angry and hurt that your loved one is not responding to reason, Burton has designed this potent spell specifically for you. Learn more!

Burton's 3-in-1 Spell to Find Him, Catch Him, Marry Him

If you are alone and searching in vain for the man of your dreams, this spell is for you. Learn more!

Burton's 3-in-1 Spell to Find Her, Court Her, Marry Her

If you are alone and searching in vain for the woman of your dreams, this spell is for you. Learn more!

Burton's Compatibility Quick Fix Spell

If your love life is on a one-way track to disaster, you need to do something dramatic! Learn more!

Burton's Sweetheart Spell

Do you dream of being loved unconditionally? Do you wish your loved one would treat you sweetly and lovingly with all their heart? Learn more!

Burton's Lovelorn Spell

Are you lonely? Are you depressed because you are not being caressed and held closely by that special person? Are you at your wits end because you don't look forward to living alone? Learn more!

Burton's Mega Perfect Storm Love Spell

It is said that Burton's gift is to "meld" within your very soul, to experience for himself your heartache, your sadness, your dreams, your aspirations. Only then is he able to direct his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. Learn more!

Burton's Haunting Spell

This potent spell will penetrate your loved one's heart, mind, & soul, awakening them to your unique and beautiful qualities. Learn more!

Burton's Defroster Spell

Is there a particular person who seems aloof, cold and indifferent to you? Soon, the two of you could experience a closeness not seen previously. Learn more!

Burton's End Heartbreak & Sad Feelings Spell

Once you decide to move on, not only will your attitude become more positive, but others will notice the confident, alluring “new” you! Learn more!

Burton's Stud Spell

This spell is designed to release your inner manpower on the world. If up to now, the women you are really after often look over your shoulder, this spell is designed to turn their heads in your direction. Learn more!

Burton's Goose Bumps Spell

Would you like to give goose bumps to that special person? If so, this delectable spell is designed to put goose bumps on the two of you. Learn more!

Burton's Love Me, Don't Leave Me Spell

The ultimate spell to keep your loved one in place until they come to their senses. Learn more!