Internationally renowned psychic Burton has been helping people worldwide since 1970 and is the founder of the California Astrology Association (CAA).

Specialty Spells

If your needs don’t fit our Love, Luck or Money categories take a look at the spells listed on this page. Burton is willing to cast one or a number of his spells in your behalf to get your life back on track.*

Take a look at the wide variety of specialty spells available to you and pick out the one(s) closest to your needs.

Burton's Rainmaker Spell

Do you have an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with immediately? Learn more!

Burton's Ox Blood Spell

Do you require (or even demand) the help of a Master Psychic to rescue you from an intolerable situation! The Ox Blood spell is a one-of-a-kind spell to be used only in extraordinary circumstances. Learn more!

Burton's Reach for the Stars Spell

If you dream of walking in the shoes of those who succeed beyond anyone’s expectation, the Master Psychic Burton’s Reach for the Stars spell could bring your dreams to reality. Learn more!

Burton's Industrial Strength Spell

This potent spell casts its wide net over a broad assortment of problems. Learn more!

Burton's Shock & Awe Spell

This is the ultimate retribution spell! Learn more!

Burton's Just Watch Me Spell

Burton’s Just Watch Me spell is designed to plant the seeds within your subconscious to help give you the determination, the direction, the motivation to triumph and succeed in areas where others have feared to tread. Learn more!

Burton's Security Blanket Spell 

If security is what you desire, Burton's Security Blanket spell may well be what you've been searching for. Learn more!

Perfect Storm Burton's Winning Trifecta

Burton will cast these three spells simultaneously to help your luck and finances! Learn more!

Burton's Sweet Revenge Spell

This spell is directed towards the person whose very nature is to cast out bad vibrations. Learn more!

Burton's Mega Retribution Spell

This astounding series of spells is designed to penetrate the consciousness of this vindictive person, neutralizing them and eventually bringing them to their knees. Learn more!

Burton’s Comeuppance Spell

Is there someone who has been a negative force in your life, or in the life of someone you care for? It’s time for your nemesis to get what they deserve. Learn more!

Burton's Double Payback Spell

This potent spell plants the seeds of remorse, self-doubt, sadness...and even anger with oneself within the subconscious of the person who treated you so badly. Learn more!